Earlier I wrote about my health issues and the fact that at least some of them are probably caused by bad posture due to crappy setup, or at least they are exacerbated by it. In response a few readers have donated money, to help me afford something that might make for a more ergonomic setup. I mentioned looking at the Yiynova MVP22U as one possibility.
One reader in particular (who wishes to remain anonymous) dropped quite the bomb on me, which means I’m now well on my way to being able to afford it! That actually made me cry a little… I didn’t even ask for donations! You guys are great ;_;
If any of you want to donate, you can, but please be aware that even if I am able to afford a super ergonomic setup right now, I still won’t be able to draw right away because of my health. Still need some time to recover. My recent visit to a doctor was completely fruitless by the way…
So, now that I am well on my way to afford something nice, it might be a good idea to step back and explore my options a little. The MVP22 is nice, but apparently Yiynova will release three new models really soon. It might be a good idea to hold on to the money until then.
It also might be an idea to investigate some tablet-pcs like the Surface Pro or the Cintiq Companion etc. I recently un-retired my old EP121 and drew a thing with it.

Here, have a sporty watercolor Mina!
The thing I really like about tablet-pcs is the ability to move them anywhere. They’re not tied to a desktop because there’s a computer in there, but that’s also one of the drawbacks. The only reason I retired my EP121 in the first place is because it’s getting old. It only has 4gb ram and can’t be upgraded beyond that. I need at least 8gb now that I work in color. Newer tablet-pcs are roughly twice as powerful as the EP121 and should be able to handle my workload without problems.
I’ll compile a list of options I’m considering soon. I did a lot of research into Cintiqs and their alternatives in the past few months and hopefully it might benefit others as well.