I don’t really want to post about stuff like this, but I think you guys should know.
I’m not feeling very good right now, neither physically nor mentally. One thing might be related to the other, healthy body, healthy mind and all that.
I just don’t have any energy. Sitting in front of an empty canvas and I can’t even bring myself to pick up a pen.
Depression sucks, especially if you try to ignore it your whole life. A big reason for this: depression and anxiety make you reluctant to talk about it. Hell, even writing this post is hard, it’s not a lot of words but it took days.
It’s called the invisible disease for a reason, and if you don’t let people know, nobody’s going to help you. It took me a long time to learn this.
Basically, I’ve tried to completely ignore everything and just focused on making the comic.
“I’ll never be happy, but maybe this comic will brighten other people’s days.”
Not a healthy outlook on life.
Sorry for taking another break from the AHS, but I’ll need a while to sort a few things out. Hopefully I’ll be feeling better in a week or two.