- Improved faces and hair.
- Tightened up the screen-tone graphics.
- Increased resolution.
- General anatomy/proportion improvements. (where possible)
- An issue where Erin negs Mina has been fixed, she now compliments her instead! :3
No new page this week, but I updated some old pages!
The more it became clear to me that I would be working on AHS for a very long time to come, the more I disliked the earlier pages for various reasons. I knew completely redrawing them was out of the question due to issues with my wrist and how long it would take. So I settled on slight tweaks here and there, without compromising the update schedule. I’ve actually come to rely on that Patreon income a bit, it’s not my full-time job yet, but it’s getting there.
I’ve been working on the remake on and off for a few months, but I had to stop at page 25 for now, because the wrist pain was getting worse again, and I don’t want to go back to the time where I couldn’t update the comic for months because of it. I’m definitely getting more done than I could before though, not sure what I owe the improvement to, but the Yiynova definitely helped.
Oh and if your browser still has the old images cached you might have to refresh the pages manually.