Okay so I have a quick question for you guys.
How lewd do you think the comic will eventually become in the future? (If I actually manage to continue it that is.)
Do you think there’s going to be a bit of nudity here and there? Sex? Really graphic stuff? Porn? Something weirder maybe? Something beyond even that?
I’m just wondering where people think the story is going to go, because I’ve seen all kinds of differing views on this topic in the comments over the years.
Also, if you’re expecting something more normal and the comic becomes straight up porn would that upset you? Conversely if you were expecting porn and it doesn’t materialize? Or maybe you expect pure yuri, but then there’s an eldritch abomination with a million dicks?
Anyway yeah, just really interested in where people think this is going.
Mina struggling with the results of wearing a cursed article of clothing, or something like that.
Just some more silly sketches to help me get back into drawing.
Some observations: I really like the look of my colored drawings, but I don’t like how long they take me. I also don’t like how, after such a long break, the pain in my wrist returned basically immediately once I started drawing again.
Just random sketches to help me get back into drawing. I’ve gotten quite rusty over time.
As for what you probably want to hear about: I’m still not doing very well. Still feeling pretty hopeless about my life situation, but I don’t wanna be too much of a downer all the time, so I’ll talk about that another time.
Either way, I will try to update more often. For now that will be sketches and other random drawings like these, until I feel a bit more confident in my art again.