Getting the word out

Time to buy some Project Wonderful ads I guess, say hi if you came here from one of those!

I’ve been rather apprehensive about advertising my comic in any way for the most part, because I’m always worrying about something.

One worry: “Can I actually update the comic regularly in the near future?”
Most of the time the answer to that would’ve been: “Uhhh I dunno, something might come up and also I could fall over dead at any time, I think the readers would be pretty disappointed if that happened, so let’s not!”
To that end I’ve been working on ways to get people updated on the comic without them having to check the site all the time.

You can now follow me on Twitter and get a tweet whenever a new page is done, you can like the new Facebook page and get updates over there and you can even get updates by email if you don’t like rss readers. Also I got a DeviantART now I guess…

Right now these pages probably seem just like mirrors of this one, but I do plan on putting sketches, some promotional art and other things on there in the future, so make sure to follow them!



I wanted to have the new page up by now, but the program I used to edit images with
(Paint Shop Pro X – Yes I’m still using that…) decided to not work anymore.

My old graphics card was on it’s last legs, so I got a HD7870 to replace it and now Paint Shop won’t even start.
I guess this is a deadly combination of an old program and AMD drivers.

Not sure what to do now, can’t upgrade Paint Shop because every version past X is shit and what are the chances of AMD fixing that issue I’m having with a program almost nobody uses anymore?

fuck :C


So, what Happened?

First off: I’ve moved the site over here (, so please to be updating your bookmarks and such.
I wanted to do this earlier, because the previous url didn’t fit the comic I was making, but my hospital visit kinda got in the way.

What happened was: Apparently my blood is a little thicker than normal, plus I developed the unhealthy habit of sitting on my legs. This caused thrombosis to form in my left leg, some of which got dislodged and wandered into my lungs, causing a pulmonary embolism.
When your body is telling you: “Oh my god, I’m going to die!”, it’s probably time to go to the fucking doctor!
I didn’t go though and tried to tough it out instead, because I had no insurance at the time.
I actually got over the embolism reasonably well, except for the pneumonia caused by the dead lung tissue, but the leg got worse and I had to go to the hospital at that point.

Not going into much more detail than that, I’m slowly recovering, the lung is going to be fine, but the leg is permanently damaged.

I can’t tell when I will resume with the comic, but it might take a month or two. Subscribe to the RSS feed (You can subscribe by email too now!) and you will be notified when I’m updating again.

One last thing: Take care of your bodies people, it doesn’t take a long flight or whatever to develop a thrombosis, sitting around for prolonged periods of time is something that can be done at home as well!