Hey there, this comic is in color now I guess… Hopefully my wrist will cooperate and it won’t impact the update schedule too much. If it doesn’t work out there’s still the possibility of my Patreon at some point making enough money to hire an artist to color it for me. We’ll see how it […]
Last page of the year! 2014 has been a pretty shitty year for me overall, but this comic and you – the readers – kept me trucking along. Thanks for the support. Happy holidays.
This page took a while and it’s not just because of that goddamn mirror… Maybe some of you remember a few months ago I posted about having a hole in my leg. Well, it still hasn’t healed. In fact, it has gotten worse. That, and some of the other medical issues I’m having are really […]
So, this is a first: Uploading an unfinished version of a page with the intention of finishing it later, but I feel this is better than nothing and I should let you guys know what’s up with me. For the past two months I couldn’t do anything but put my feet up and rest my […]
Here’s an update I guess. Avoiding color for now because it burns my wrist. Still considering using some of the Patreon money to have someone else help me out with it. Finally, I’m still not sure what tablet monitor I’m going to buy. There’s like 3 or 4 new models from various manufacturers coming out […]
That movie must still be on her mind.
This is the page I probably spent the most time and effort on so far. I want to die.
Welp, color sure was nice. I felt a great sense of accomplishment when I finished a colored page, but at the same time I also felt a great burning sensation in my arm, so I really can’t keep that up and expect to ever finish this comic. Although the pages are still pretty taxing like […]
Hey guys, did you know Hentai can rot your brain if you overdo it? Some symptoms of Hentai overdose are ‘caring way too much about ethics in video game journalism’ and ‘the irresistible urge to shout cuck at people’. Please be careful!
Erin pls. Is there a term for the comic Mina is looking at being more well drawn than the reality she’s in? Oh well. <_< That comic (not the porn one) is called Dorohedoro by the way, and it’s really good.
I don’t even know. By the way, it seems that Patreon had a bit of an issue this month and accidentally ignored people’s spending limits. Here’s how the spending limit works: Say you want to give me 20$ a month, but no more than that. You could pledge 10$ per page and then set your […]
Mina didn’t get a good look but she could’ve sworn… Hey guys, thanks to you I just ordered this thing. Though it was a bit more expensive than that for me, since I’m European. :c What’s cool about this is that it’s 100% reader funded, the majority of it coming from a single donor even! […]
This is the first page drawn on my new Yiynova 20u, which was 100% reader funded. The pressure curve is almost too good for someone like me, since having to press down hard at all makes my carpal tunnel flare up. 😐 Here it is next to my cute little computer. It’s more than twice […]
Mina is interested. I’m really having to fight the urge to color the comic again, what with the new Yiynova being much more accurate in terms of color than what I used before. Then again, I really don’t want to go back to one page per month because my wrist hurts so much after each […]
Mina is about to get schooled.
Please consider supporting my Patreon if you want to see more Les Beans ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )
Better cut back on that red meat guys.
Erin is really hammering the point home.
Got nothing better to do on Christmas, might as well update the comic.
Things are quickly getting out of hand. Oh by the way, did I ever mention this comic is NSFW? Oh well!
At least Mina is pretty sure about it.
Or any money for that matter.
Sorry for the lack of updates recently, not doing too well health-wise, but what else is new.
Trying to upload one page a week, but my wrist is starting to hurt again. Oh well.